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Customize the admin form



Take a few minutes to marvel at all the code you didn't have to write. When you call admin.site.register(Poll), Django just lets you edit the object and "guess" at how to display it within the admin. Often you'll want to control how the admin looks and works. You'll do this by telling Django about the options you want when you register the object.



Let's see how this works by reordering the fields on the edit form. Replace the admin.site.register(Poll) line with:


class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

    fields = ['pub_date', 'question']


admin.site.register(Poll, PollAdmin)


You'll follow this pattern -- create a model admin object, then pass it as the second argument to admin.site.register() -- any time you need to change the admin options for an object.



This particular change above makes the "Publication date" come before the "Question" field:

刚才的改变让“Publication date”字段排在了“Question”字段前面:




This isn't impressive with only two fields, but for admin forms with dozens of fields, choosing an intuitive order is an important usability detail.



And speaking of forms with dozens of fields, you might want to split the form up into fieldsets:


class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

    fieldsets = [

        (None,               {'fields': ['question']}),

        ('Date information', {'fields': ['pub_date']}),



admin.site.register(Poll, PollAdmin)


The first element of each tuple in fieldsets is the title of the fieldset. Here's what our form looks like now:





You can assign arbitrary HTML classes to each fieldset. Django provides a "collapse" class that displays a particular fieldset initially collapsed. This is useful when you have a long form that contains a number of fields that aren't commonly used:


class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

    fieldsets = [

        (None,               {'fields': ['question']}),

        ('Date information', {'fields': ['pub_date'], 'classes': ['collapse']}),




Adding related objects



OK, we have our Poll admin page. But a Poll has multiple Choices, and the admin page doesn't display choices.


There are two ways to solve this problem. The first register Choice with the admin just as we did with Poll. That's easy:


from mysite.polls.models import Choice




Now "Choices" is an available option in the Django admin. The "Add choice" form looks like this:

现在Django管理后台中“Choices”也出现了。“Add choice”表单看起来就像下面这样:




In that form, the "Poll" field is a select box containing every poll in the database. Django knows that a ForeignKey should be represented in the admin as a <select> box. In our case, only one poll exists at this point.



Also note the "Add Another" link next to "Poll." Every object with a ForeignKey relationship to another gets this for free. When you click "Add Another," you'll get a popup window with the "Add poll" form. If you add a poll in that window and click "Save," Django will save the poll to the database and dynamically add it as the selected choice on the "Add choice" form you're looking at.

注意一下“Poll”旁边的“Add Another”链接。每个有外键关系的对象都会有这个链接。点击“Add Another”,会有一个“Add poll”的弹出窗口显示。当你添加数据点击“Save”后,Django会向数据库添加一条新纪录,并将刚才添加的纪录加入到“Add choice”选择框中。


But, really, this is an inefficient way of adding Choice objects to the system. It'd be better if you could add a bunch of Choices directly when you create the Poll object. Let's make that happen.



Remove the register() call for the Choice model. Then, edit the Poll registration code to read:


class ChoiceInline(admin.StackedInline):

    model = Choice

    extra = 3


class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

    fieldsets = [

        (None,               {'fields': ['question']}),

        ('Date information', {'fields': ['pub_date'], 'classes': ['collapse']}),


    inlines = [ChoiceInline]


admin.site.register(Poll, PollAdmin)


This tells Django: "Choice objects are edited on the Poll admin page. By default, provide enough fields for 3 choices."



Load the "Add poll" page to see how that looks:

现在重新加载“Add poll”页面来看看:


It works like this: There are three slots for related Choices -- as specified by extra -- and each time you come back to the "Change" page for an already-created object, you get another three extra slots.



One small problem, though. It takes a lot of screen space to display all the fields for entering related Choice objects. For that reason, Django offers a tabular way of displaying inline related objects; you just need to change the ChoiceInline declaration to read:


class ChoiceInline(admin.TabularInline):



With that TabularInline (instead of StackedInline), the related objects are displayed in a more compact, table-based format:





Customize the admin change list



Now that the Poll admin page is looking good, let's make some tweaks to the "change list" page -- the one that displays all the polls in the system.

现在Poll的管理页面看起来不错了,下面我们来改善改善“change list”页面。


Here's what it looks like at this point:




By default, Django displays the str() of each object. But sometimes it'd be more helpful if we could display individual fields. To do that, use the list_display admin option, which is a tuple of field names to display, as columns, on the change list page for the object:


class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

    # ...

    list_display = ('question', 'pub_date')


Just for good measure, let's also include the was_published_today custom method from Tutorial 1:


class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

    # ...

    list_display = ('question', 'pub_date', 'was_published_today')


Now the poll change list page looks like this:




You can click on the column headers to sort by those values -- except in the case of the was_published_today header, because sorting by the output of an arbitrary method is not supported. Also note that the column header for was_published_today is, by default, the name of the method (with underscores replaced with spaces). But you can change that by giving that method a short_description attribute:


def was_published_today(self):

    return self.pub_date.date() == datetime.date.today()

was_published_today.short_description = 'Published today?'


Let's add another improvement to the Poll change list page: Filters. Add the following line to PollAdmin:


list_filter = ['pub_date']


That adds a "Filter" sidebar that lets people filter the change list by the pub_date field:



The type of filter displayed depends on the type of field you're filtering on. Because pub_date is a DateTimeField, Django knows to give the default filter options for DateTimeFields: "Any date," "Today," "Past 7 days," "This month," "This year."

显示的筛选类型是根据筛选字段的类型决定的。pub_dateDateTimeField类型,Django知道对应的筛选选项:"Any date" "Today" "Past 7 days" "This month" "This year"


This is shaping up well. Let's add some search capability:


search_fields = ['question']


That adds a search box at the top of the change list. When somebody enters search terms, Django will search the question field. You can use as many fields as you'd like -- although because it uses a LIKE query behind the scenes, keep it reasonable, to keep your database happy.



Finally, because Poll objects have dates, it'd be convenient to be able to drill down by date. Add this line:


date_hierarchy = 'pub_date'


That adds hierarchical navigation, by date, to the top of the change list page. At top level, it displays all available years. Then it drills down to months and, ultimately, days.



Now's also a good time to note that change lists give you free pagination. The default is to display 50 items per page. Change-list pagination, search boxes, filters, date-hierarchies and column-header-ordering all work together like you think they should.



Customize the admin look and feel



Clearly, having "Django administration" at the top of each admin page is ridiculous. It's just placeholder text.

显而易见,在管理页面的上方显示“Django Administration”是有点雷人的。其实这里只是一段占位文字而已,可以进行替换。


That's easy to change, though, using Django's template system. The Django admin is powered by Django itself, and its interfaces use Django's own template system. (How meta!)



Open your settings file (mysite/settings.py, remember) and look at the TEMPLATE_DIRS setting. TEMPLATE_DIRS is a tuple of filesystem directories to check when loading Django templates. It's a search path.



By default, TEMPLATE_DIRS is empty. So, let's add a line to it, to tell Django where our templates live:



    "/home/my_username/mytemplates", # Change this to your own directory.



Now copy the template admin/base_site.html from within the default Django admin template directory (django/contrib/admin/templates) into an admin subdirectory of whichever directory you're using in TEMPLATE_DIRS. For example, if your TEMPLATE_DIRS includes "/home/my_username/mytemplates", as above, then copy django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base_site.html to /home/my_username/mytemplates/admin/base_site.html. Don't forget that admin subdirectory.

Then, just edit the file and replace the generic Django text with your own site's name as you see fit.



Note that any of Django's default admin templates can be overridden. To override a template, just do the same thing you did with base_site.html -- copy it from the default directory into your custom directory, and make changes.



Astute readers will ask: But if TEMPLATE_DIRS was empty by default, how was Django finding the default admin templates? The answer is that, by default, Django automatically looks for a templates/ subdirectory within each app package, for use as a fallback. See the template loader documentation for full information.

细心的读者会问:如果TEMPLATE_APPS默认情况下是空,那Django是怎么找到管理后台的默认模板的呢?其实在根据TEMPLATE_APPS设置找不到模板的情况下,Django会自动在每个程序的包下查找templates目录及其子目录。详细内容请查阅template loader文档。


Customize the admin index page



On a similar note, you might want to customize the look and feel of the Django admin index page.

By default, it displays all the apps in INSTALLED_APPS that have been registered with the admin application, in alphabetical order. You may want to make significant changes to the layout. After all, the index is probably the most important page of the admin, and it should be easy to use.



The template to customize is admin/index.html. (Do the same as with admin/base_site.html in the previous section -- copy it from the default directory to your custom template directory.) Edit the file, and you'll see it uses a template variable called app_list. That variable contains every installed Django app. Instead of using that, you can hard-code links to object-specific admin pages in whatever way you think is best.



When you're comfortable with the admin site, read part 3 of this tutorial to start working on public poll views.




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